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Friday, March 2, 2012

Rwandan Genocide.

Review Questons:
1) In what ways did genocide impact the development of this developing country? It impacted it by having no government to run hospitals, schools, shelters, food, or factories. Public utilities such as phones, electricity and water were not functioning. Most of the people that were in charge were either killed or fled to neighboring countries. Many lost family members, villages were destroyed, children were left alone.

 2) Where does the rebuilding of a country shattered by genocide begin? What can the people do? What can the government do? What can the international community do?  July of 1994 they start rebuilding. The government helps by making a fund to support survivors and a Human Rights Commission to ensure all people in Rwanda get the rights they're entitled to. The people should come together as a unity and not enemies. The international community can have a fund in all of their countries to raise money for Rwanda.

3) How can justice be found in post genocide Rwanda? It can be found by having other countries try and support and help build a legal system for Rwanda. Absolutely no classing should be involved in the government. Schooling, protection, shelter, good water.

4) Which can bring justice to the people of Rwanda more effectively international courts or community courts? Explain. International for sure, if they let community they might end up causing another class system. Which might just end up being the same thing all over again.

Discussion Questions:
1) When did UN officials receive warnings about the genocide? Three months before the genocide.
2) Besides the warning given by one of the planners, what were other warning signs of the genocide? Major General Romeo Dallaire, the training of militia in Rwanda was conducted in the open. They distributed weapons like guns and machetes openly. They sponsored hate propaganda throughout schools, radio, and newspapers. Death lists were developed.

3) How did state sponsored propaganda present the Tutsi group? It presented them as evil people who were cockroaches and snakes and who's ultimate goal was to regain power and mistreat the hutu. They also said you had to shorten people, which in other words is to kill them.

4) What prevented the international community from calling the violence in Rwanda "genocide"? What would have happened if they had?
They had the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Which had said "Legal obligation under which the international community would be legally obligated to intervene and stop the violence, if genocide were found to be occurring in the world. If they had prevented the violence, things might actually be somewhat controllable in Africa, but the UN can't help someone in need, even though that's why we developed the UN is to protect.

5) Once the international community withdrew its troops, what did the militia decide to do? The militia had started the genocide as soon as the troops were withdrawn. They targeted resisters and officials who opposed the genocide

6) Who does President Clinton say must share responsibility for the genocide. He said the international community and nations in Africa, should share responsibility and also said the UN did not help.

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